About the book, Big Bad
- Publisher : Hyperion Avenue (September 27, 2022)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 320 pages
- Also available in audio and digital
Demondale, Callifornia, 1999…Like Sunnydale, but whole lot more evil.
Step into this alternate reality, where chaos reigns supreme. The Mayor’s sun-shade has created permanent darkness over Sunnydale, fully opening the Hellmouth once and for all. Now the newly christened Demondale has become a safe haven for vampires, beasts, and all types of ruffians. It’s never been better to be bad.
Aspiring supervillains (and super nerds) Jonathan and Andrew attempt to hold their own in a town full of monsters, while three-hundred-year-old vengeance demon Anya is just looking for something to give her life purpose again, spending her days working at an evil juice bar. But soon word gets out that there’s a new Big Bad on the scene, one more powerful and more destructive than anyone who has come before. She, of course, is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And she’s hell-bent on rooting out all of this reality’s evil by any means necessary.
Now Jonathan, Andrew, and Anya must recruit a team of Demondale’s most notorious villains—including Angelus, Spike, Drusilla, and even Ripper the malevolent magic shop owner—in order to save their world. But it’ll be no easy feat to put their pride and differences aside and stop the worst thing that has ever come to town: good.
Written by acclaimed author and Buffy super fan Lily Anderson, this novel brings together Buffy’s most devious and beloved villains from the Trio to the Whirlwind to Anya, Glory, and Vampire Willow. This is one apocalypse Buffy fans are not going to want to miss!
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About the author, Lily Anderson 
Lily Anderson is the author of THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN ME IS YOU, NOT NOW NOT EVER, and UNDEAD GIRL GANG. A former school librarian, she is deeply devoted to Shakespeare, fairy tales, and podcasts. Somewhere in Northern California, she is having strong opinions on musical theater.
Connect with Lily:
My Thoughts
“I wish!”
They’re the words required to invoke the “genie rules” and as with most fairy tale lore, they’re loaded with more danger than the wisher ever expects.
They’re also the device that gives us this novel. A wrong wish, a misplaced word, and suddenly everything is… other.
It’s often said that every villain is the hero of their own story. In Lily Anderson’s new novel Big Bad, the villains aren’t only the protagonists of the story, they’ve got their own universe, and the “big bad” coming after them is none other than Buffy, the vampire slayer.
Set in an alternate version of the BuffyVerse where the Mayor completed his ascension, popped a sun-shade over the town, and renamed Sunnydale to Demondale, this novel is a romp through the universe we all love, but with a twist. In this town, the Hellmouth is completely open, vampires and demons roam freely, and “there’s never a line at Starbucks because almost everyone in town drinks blood.” It’s a monster free-for-all, with the Evil Trio of Warren, Jonathon, and Andrew among the few remaining human residents, and even that was meant to change until a small blonde girl crashed their Ascension Day party and “makes” Jonathon aim his shrink ray at Warren.
Revenge, of course, must be had. And that’s where the fun begins.
It’s also where author Lily Anderson shows how much of a fan she really is, because not only does she offer details about the trio that feel official – they were Sunnydale High School’s inaugural Klingon club – but she nails the portrayal of every other character who shows up: Anya is blunt and loves money, Spike is jealous every time Drusilla focuses her attention, Angellus is a habitual flirt, Drusilla is still as a mad as birds, and Vamp!Willow is as badass and chillingly evil as she ever was in the television show. Even better, this motley crew works really well as a group, grudgingly united to protect their town – and themselves -from the Slayer. (It’s worth noting that Buffy, herself, is a bit off in this story, as she’s basically Quantum Leaping from Hellmouth to Hellmouth in a desperate quest to rid the multiverse of enough evil that she’ll be sent home.)
Aside from characterization, author Anderson excels at making this dark-mirror version of Sunnydale its own entity. In Demondale, the only birds left are owls, and the perpetual nighttime means the town is also over-populated with bugs. This is a world that is as rich with detail as it is with blood and danger.
Well-paced, with a good balance of nostalgic references and original concepts, Big Bad is a big treat for anyone who loves the BuffyVerse, and the perfect story for a crisp October evening.
Goes well with: red wine and an onion blossom.
Tour Stops
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