I’m so excited to be part of the TLC Book Tours EXCERPT TOUR for the release of the latest book in Stephanie Laurens’ Cynster Series, A Match for Marcus Cynster!
About the book, A Match for Marcus Cynster 
- Series: Cynster (#23)
- Mass Market Paperback: 438 pages
- Publisher: Mira (May 26, 2015)
Duty compels her to turn her back on marriage. Fate drives him to protect her come what may. Then love takes a hand in this battle of yearning hearts, stubborn wills, and a match too powerful to deny. #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens returns to rugged Scotland with a dramatic tale of passionate desire and unwavering devotion.
Restless and impatient, Marcus Cynster waits for Fate to come calling. He knows his destiny lies in the lands surrounding his family home, but what will his future be and with whom will he share it?
Of one fact he feels certain: his fated bride will not be Niniver Carrick. His elusive neighbor attracts him mightily, yet he feels compelled to protect her—even from himself. Fickle Fate, he’s sure, would never be so kind as to decree that Niniver should be his. The best he can do for them both is to avoid her.
Niniver has vowed to return her clan to prosperity. The epitome of fragile femininity, her delicate and ethereal exterior cloaks a stubborn will and an unflinching devotion to the people in her care. She accepts that she cannot risk marrying and losing her grip on the clan’s reins to an inevitably controlling husband. Unfortunately, many local men see her as their opportunity.
Soon, she’s forced to seek help to get rid of her unwelcome suitors. Powerful and dangerous, Marcus Cynster is perfect for the task. Suppressing her wariness over tangling with a gentleman who so excites her passions, she appeals to him for assistance with her peculiar problem.
Although at first he resists, Marcus discovers that, contrary to his expectations, his fated role is to stand by Niniver’s side and, ultimately, to claim her hand. Yet in order to convince her to be his bride, they must plunge headlong into a journey full of challenges, unforeseen dangers, passion, and yearning, until Niniver grasps the essential truth—that she is indeed a match for Marcus Cynster.
~ Excerpt ~
They buried Nigel and Nolan three days later. The atmosphere was more that of a witnessing than an honoring. The ambiance was strikingly different from that which had prevailed at their father’s funeral—but then Manachan had been revered by the clan and respected throughout the community, while Nigel and Nolan had been tolerated purely on the basis of being Manachan’s sons. As for acquaintances within the wider community, theirs proved to be limited to young hellions of similar ilk to themselves—irresponsible males intent on enjoying a hedonistic life with nary a thought for anyone or anything else.
Several of the latter unexpectedly turned up, driving curricles and phaetons, and greeting each other raucously.
The clan ignored them.
Initially, Niniver had been surprised by how many of the clan had chosen to attend. Then she’d realized that, for them as for her, the somber service marked the end of two years of uncertainty and unrest—two years of confusion, of not knowing what was going on, and of lost faith in the clan’s leadership.
Nigel was buried next to their father and mother in the Carrick family plot.
Nolan was buried in a far corner of the graveyard—rejected and disowned by all.
It was she who cast the first sod on Nolan’s coffin. Stony-faced, the clan elders followed her lead.
And then it was done.
No one felt any need to linger; everyone was glad to turn their backs and walk away.
As the gathering dispersed and the clan returned to the carts and drays that had brought them there, several of Nigel and Nolan’s friends surrounded her and attempted to press their patently insincere condolences on her.
She avoided society—in part because of just such men—but she’d long ago perfected one social art, that of keeping her feelings concealed and maintaining a mask of unruffled calm. Yet to be invited to join several would-be dandies on a picnic and, when she politely declined, to have her words ignored…
Luckily, Thomas intervened, and with several cutting words and a black scowl, he sent the horde packing. Together with Ferguson, Thomas escorted her away; she allowed them to lead her to her carriage, help her in, and shut the door.
Sean set the horses trotting, and the carriage pulled into the road, and finally, it was over.
She rested her head against the squabs and closed her eyes, holding in the tears that, suddenly, threatened to overflow.
Her family was gone—all of them. Thomas was her nearest blood relative, and he had his own place, his own role as consort to the future Lady of the Vale.
She…was alone. Completely alone. She had no place, no role—no life.
She was the one left behind.
But she knew the clan wouldn’t throw her out; she would have a place, a role, within it, even if she didn’t yet know what that would be.
She told herself to remain positive, or at least to keep her thoughts focused on what she yet had to do that day, on what lay immediately ahead.
The clan meeting to elect a new laird.
She sighed, opened her eyes, and glanced out of the window. “One way or another, I will find a way.”
Buy, read, and discuss A Match for Marcus Cynster
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About Stephanie Laurens 
New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens originally began writing as an escape from the dry world of professional science. Her hobby quickly became a career; she has been writing historical romance novels for more than 20 years. Currently living outside Melbourne, Australia with her husband and two cats, she spends most of her days writing new stories in her signature ‘Errol Flynn meets Jane Austen” style.
Connect with Stephanie
Stephanie Laurens’ TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS: 
Monday, May 11th: From the TBR Pile
Tuesday, May 12th: Reading Reality
Wednesday, May 13th: Mom in Love with Fiction
Thursday, May 14th: In the Hammock
Friday, May 15th: Broken Teepee
Monday, May 18th: Let Them Read Books
Tuesday, May 19th: Bibliophilia, Please
Wednesday, May 20th: Bibliotica
Thursday, May 21st: Bell, Book & Candle
Friday, May 22nd: Urban Girl Reader
Monday, May 25th: Book Reviews and More by Kathy
Tuesday, May 26th: Bewitched Bookworms
Wednesday, May 27th: The Romance Dish
Wednesday, May 27th: Read Love Blog
Thursday, May 28th: A Chick Who Reads
Friday, May 29th: Written Love Reviews